Find support from lawyers, law firms, and other legal services across Europe providing assistance to those targeted by SLAPPs and legal intimidation.

The following map provides an overview of the lawyers, law firms, legal organisations and funds across Europe that are able to support SLAPP victims on a pro bono (i.e. without charge) or reduced fee basis.

These legal services have indicated to CASE their willingness and capacity to deal with SLAPPs. They have an expertise in a range of relevant areas of law that may be relevant when dealing with SLAPPs, including media law, intellectual property law, criminal law, corporate law and fundamental rights. We have indicated where these services have capacity to advise and where they have capacity to represent SLAPP victims.

The contents of this map are based on publicly available information and information disclosed by the legal services themselves. Its contents are provided for informational purposes only.

The legal services included in the map perform their professional services on an independent basis. CASE and its members do not engage or make any warranty on behalf of the services included in the map.

In particular, each legal service is regulated by the laws and the rules of professional conduct applicable in the jurisdiction in which they practice. CASE and its members do not warrant respect for such rules by the legal services included in the map.

We will be working to expand this map in the months to come and would warmly welcome applications to join the network. If you provide legal services to those facing SLAPPs, we would love to hear from you – please use this form to get in touch!

Advocacy groups / NGOs
All watchdogs eligible
Journalists Media Associations
Legal Representation
Advice and Legal Representation

European wide services

The following groups can provide services to public watchdogs across Europe.

NameEligible WatchdogsType of SupportHow to ApplyContact
PILnetAll public watchdogsPro bono legal representationApply via
Email [email protected] 
And see website for more details:
(powered by THE GOODLOBBY)
Any non-profit Pro bono legal representationApply via
Email [email protected]
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)Journalists and media organisationsPro bono legal advice, guidance, and external assistanceApply via
Email [email protected]
Or Signal: +49 176 43839637
Media Defence Journalists, bloggers and independent media across the worldPro bono legal representation and financial supportApply via [email protected]
Advocates for International Development (A4ID)NGOs, particularly those working on sustainable development for the benefit of low to middle income or Official Development Assistance-eligible countriesPro bono legal adviceNote: limited legal networks outside the UK.

To apply, register as a development partner via
Email [email protected]
Free Press UnlimitedJournalistsLegal defence fundApply via [email protected] or phone +31 20 8000 400
Rory Peck TrustProfessional Freelance JournalistsLegal defence fundApply via [email protected] or phone +44(0)203 219 7867
The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice
The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice
Nonprofit organisations, small media companies, and freelance journalists operating in the public interestTeam of US attorneys with global pro bono network of lawyers/legal servicesApply directly via contact address (see right)Email Carla Pierini at [email protected]
Reporters ShieldMembership program to defend investigative reporting from legal threatsOrganisations can participate if they meet eligibility criteria and pay an annual fee based on several factors, including the location of the outlet and the number of stories published per year.Apply via
Jodi Blankenship
[email protected]

Let us know if you've been the victim of legal bullying

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